Women’s Health Physical Therapy
Personalized Physical Therapy
For all your aches & pains, and exercise & movement difficulties. Ali treats conditions including but not limited to:
post mastectomy/lymph node removal
hypermobility syndromes, Ehler’s Danlos syndrome (EDS)
femoral acetabular (hip) impingement
orthopedic, neurological, and post-operative conditions as listed above
Pre-conception, Pre-natal, and Post-partum Health Optimization and Recovery
The female body is a beautiful and unique specimen. Ali is skilled in identifying pre-disposing movement risk factors before, during, and after pregnancy.
She treats common pregnancy and post-partum issues such as:
back pain
pelvic pain
hip/leg pain
ligamentous instability
endurance tolerance
diastasis rectus
pelvic floor dysfunction
post-partum C-section care
Athletic and Exercise Optimization
Whether you are a high level athlete, recreation athlete, weekend warrior, or an unsure beginner, exercise has a special place in EVERY woman’s life. Learn techniques to optimize your training or learn how to get started.
Schedule Appointment
Concierge (cash-pay) in-clinic PT and wellness services.
180 W Huffaker Lane, Suite 305, Reno, NV 89511
2697 Mill St, Reno, NV 89502
Call (775) 997-6155 or email trinumhealth@gmail.com to schedule an initial evaluation or for any questions.