Master the Basics of Human Movement:

The Ultimate Guide to Move Like a Kid Again

In this 9-week, online fitness course, you will go from feeling frustrated and burned out with your boring, monotonous cardio workouts to feeling empowered and inspired to explore new fitness activities with confidence and strength.

Are you the right fit for this movement course?

You are the right fit for Master the Basics of Human Movement: The Ultimate Guide to Move Like a Kid Again if you want to learn how to move well from the comfort of your own home.

  • Are you afraid to join a gym or club because you’ve never worked out before?

  • Are you apprehensive about returning to exercise because it’s been so long?

  • Do you fall victim to yo-yo dieting and exercising?

  • Do you struggle to hold yourself accountable for getting physical activity because of time constraints?

  • Do you set unrealistic fitness expectations for yourself?

If this sounds like you, and you are motivated to work outside the box of traditional exercise regimens in order to find a balanced lifestyle, then this course is for you.

If you’ve been looking for that next step to progress your health and establish fitness goals, then this course is for you.

By the end of this course, you will master these basic skills:


Breathe correctly

to establish good movement patterns and to regulate your nervous system


Properly engage your core

while performing exercises on your back, belly, and feet while minimizing back strain


Navigate the floor like a champ

rolling with your children or pets and getting up/down from the ground easily


Squat and hinge with good form

to equip you for any lifting challenge, whether at home, the park, or the gym


Move confidently and efficiently

to prepare you for your future fitness goals


Learn how to track exercise progress

through personal journaling and using accountability calendars

Whether your motivation is to lose weight, regain your health, reduce your pain, or maximize your athletic performance, this course will help guide you toward achieving your fitness goals.

As adults, we get so caught up in the grueling demands of daily life that we lose connection to our roots and creativity. We forget that exercise should not be one of those demands, but rather it is a part of being human that is both a grounding necessity and an inspiring privilege.

No one demonstrates this joy of movement more than children! This course is designed to help you to rediscover the fundamentals of what it means to move like a kid again. We take it back to the most basic developmental skills required for humans, to help you to rediscover the joy of your masterfully designed body. I will teach you how to move, and you will learn what you are truly capable of.

You will learn the fundamental neurodevelopmental sequence skills and patterns to help you identify and restore your mobility and strength so that you can live your fullest life.

Module 1: Your Breath

  • Understand why proper breathing technique is important developmentally and functionally

  • Identify dysfunctional breathing patterns and learn how to breathe correctly with your diaphragm during core and functional movements

  • Learn breathing techniques to improve mood, sleep, and nervous system regulation

  • Establish grounding habits for yourself

What’s Included:

Module 2: Your Core

  • Learn a basic exercise to improve your nervous system self-regulation

  • Learn how to properly engage your deep core

  • Improve your posture with tummy time

  • Become comfortable with moving on the floor

Module 3: Your Roll

  • Improve your ability to rotate without pain

  • Increase your rotational mobility and upright posture

  • Learn rolling patterns to identify your restrictions and improve your strength, coordination, and postural symmetry

Module 4: Your Crawl

  • Learn progressive strength and coordination exercises on hands and knees

  • Learn why being able to crawl like a baby is both important and challenging

  • Master 2 core stabilizing crawling techniques

  • Improve your arm and leg balance and stability

Module 5: Your Kneel

  • Learn how to properly and efficiently transition from the floor to standing

  • Establish fundamentals to progress your lunging pattern

  • Develop the strength to prepare you for lunging, running, and jumping

  • Challenge and improve your upright balance

Module 6: Your Stand

  • Learn how to engage your foot muscles to your improve balance and strength

  • Learn how to properly squat and hip hinge, how these lifting techniques are different, and why they are both important

  • Improve your core and leg strength

Learning Content and Bonuses:

  • Lessons include:

    • Video education on the rationale behind exercises

    • Video with step-by-step instructions of exercises

    • Printable PDF reference guide with written step-by-step instructions and pictures of exercises

    • Printable PDF calendar checklist to guide you daily and serve as an accountability measure

    • Printable PDF weekly journals to track your personal progress

  • Private online community: access to private Facebook group, where you can connect and engage with other members participating in the course

  • Weekly emails with reminders to keep you on track and provide encouragement

Ready to Enroll?

Fall 2024

Enrollment is now open!

A One-Time Payment of


2 Monthly Payments of



  • No equipment needed! All of these exercises are done with just you! All you need is a small square space of clear floor, preferably carpeted or matted.

    I will provide you with many printable materials, so I advise you have a printer to make physical prints and a binder to organize them. However, this is not necessary and you can save the PDFs to your computer/tablet instead.

  • It’s ok if you can’t finish in 9 weeks. The course is designed to pace you, so you can have allow success yet be challenged at the same time.

    You will have unlimited access to the course, so you can pace yourself and take extra time where needed. I do encourage you ultimately to finish the course, so you can maximize your investment, reach your goals, and learn to move like a kid again.

    Access to the private Facebook community will be limited to 9 week duration of course.

  • You will need to dedicate 10-20 minutes per day practicing your exercises. That’s less time than an episode of “Friends”! But no, don’t watch TV while doing your exercises. Focused intention without distractions is needed during this time.